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Here's something to laugh about.

Funny > Friday, January-19-2007

It's pronounced truck not...

Hehe...poor kid can't say truck. But hey, give him a brake, his only 2 years old.

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Funny > Thursday, January-18-2007

Redneck rocket launcher video

Between two beers, a couple of rednecks decided to light-up 8500 bottle rockets. The result is pretty cool considering the "advanced technology" used by them. Enjoy the Redneck rocket launcher video!
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Funny > Wednesday, January-17-2007

Lemonade prank video

Kids at a lemonade stand, play a prank on unsuspecting buyers. It's really just good clean fun. Enjoy this funny lemonade prank!

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Funny > Sunday, January-14-2007

Stupid Paris Hilton runs out of gas video

Well, it isn't called stupid man's breakdown for nothing. As you'll see Paris Hilton runs out of gas, in the middle of the boulevard whilst being followed by paparazzi. They decide to give her some help, just to find out that Paris has no clue to wear the "gas thingy" is located on the car. Well, after this what's she gonna do for an encore?
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Funny > Sunday, January-14-2007

Dumb woman refuel at gas station video

A dumb woman doesn't have to be blonde, if that's what you're thinking. She tries to refuel her BMW, but I can't understand why she didn't just give up on it when she saw it was too hard :|'s hilarious, so enjoy this dumb woman at gas station video.

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Funny > Friday, January-12-2007

Funny fishing video clip

This funny fishing video clip contains a lot of fishing bloopers caught on camera. This fishing video just goes to show you that fishing can be not only relaxing, but also very funny. Enjoy.

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Funny > Thursday, January-11-2007

32 balls to the face in 35 seconds

Very funny video clip of people being hit by balls. From tennis, basket so volley balls, they're all here in this funny video. Enjoy.
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Funny > Thursday, January-11-2007

Funny inventions on the Daily Show

This video clip of funny inventions comes from the Daily Show. It's absolutely hilarious. The funny inventions vary from some weird male chastity thing to a gaydar. I know you'll enjoy it, so have fun watching this funny inventions.
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Funny > Monday, January-08-2007

Car battles

The car industry is tough. If you want to develop a name, you have to be the best in something. The car battles take place in motor-racing. Be it Formula1, World Rally Championship, Touring Cars, FIA GT or even Nascar there is a fight going on between brands. These car battles take place on the circuit, but the fans have a strong word too, carrying these car battles to the auto forums .
Here you can see one such car battle. Enjoy :)
Car battles BMW world car of the year funny pictures cars
Car battles Audi winner of six consecutive LeMans races funny pictures cars
Car battles Subaru engine of the year 2006 funny pictures cars
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Funny > Sunday, January-07-2007

March of the Emperor

This is a commercial which appeared on the French TV Canal+, for the movie "March of the penguins". The movie title was translated in French as March of the Emperor. The "March of the emperor" movie is actually a documentary about the migration of the Emperor Penguins. The commercial takes advantage of this translation, in a hilarious way. Enjoy the "March of the emperor" commercial.

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