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Here's something to laugh about.

Funny > Sunday, January-07-2007

Hawk flyies away with kid's pet mouse

Not much to be said...Dad wants to take a close-up picture of kid's pet mouse, kid puts mouse on top of the cage...the rest is history. Enjoy.

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Funny > Friday, January-05-2007

Spiders on Drugs

Here's a funny video clip of spiders on drugs, and how their webs are affected when they are on different drugs like coffeeine, alcohol, crack cocaine and LSD. Enjoy.
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Funny > Wednesday, January-03-2007

How NOT to get your ass kicked by the police

Here's a funny video of the comedian Chris Rock giving some helpful tips on "How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police!". It's absolutely hilarious, plus to me it seems like good sound advice. So enjoy this funny Chris Rock video skit "How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police!"
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Funny > Tuesday, January-02-2007

No more Star Trek

A Star Trek funny commercial that was on TV before Star Trek: Enterprise aired in 2001. It's quite funny, enjoy!
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Funny > Tuesday, January-02-2007

The Ring Japanese funny version video clip

This funny screening of The Ring Japanese version, went truly wrong for a couple of Japanese teen girls. For you and me it's just hilarious to see how a horror movie like The Ring (Japanese Version) can make them run and screen like it's the end of the world.
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Funny > Tuesday, January-02-2007

Choco Party...really good ^^

Well as the choco party commercial girl says: "Choco party...good good". And I can not possibly argue with that. I can anyone's definitely good good. And at the end the choco party girl says "Where are you looking?"...guess :P Enjoy this funny choco party commercial!!!
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Funny > Monday, January-01-2007

George Carlin video clip

Here's a funny George Carlin video clip with jokes about religion and God. I'd have to advise against watching it, if you are a strong or fanatical believer in God, because as he says in his jokes in this video, George Carlin believes in Joe Pesci, and he also worships the Sun. All in all, it is a funny George Carlin video clip, which I hope you'll like!

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Funny > Sunday, December-31-2006

Stuck on an escalator

Very funny video clip about a man and a woman stuck on an escalator in a mall. Very funny. Enjoy :)
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Funny > Friday, December-29-2006

Furby in the microwave video

Since putting different stuff in the microwave, seems never to run out of fashion, here's a funny one: guy puts a Furby in the microwave, furby goes boom :)
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Funny > Friday, December-29-2006

Hockey Fight: Donald Brashear vs. Andrew Peters

Donald Brashear and Andrew Peters go at it during a Capitals-Sabres game on December 26, 2006. It takes them quite a while to get it over with. By the way...who won?
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