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Movie Trailer > Friday, December-29-2006

Transformers movie trailer 2006

The new transformers movie is to be released July 4, 2007. The trailer of this movie has already been released, and uploaded to youtube. The story of transformers the movie is that dueling alien races (Autobots and Decepticons) bring their battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in the balance. The transformers movie trailer looks very promising and speaks for the whole "Transformers movie". Enjoy.
The latest news are that the Transformers movie is currently in until the release date there's only the trailer! Also Known As:
Prime Directive
The Transformers
Transformers: The Movie 2

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Comments for Transformers movie trailer 2006


posted by 镇江新力环拖车设备有限公司 at Tuesday, February-03-2009 01:17am

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:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
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