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Technology and Health News > Monday, June-09-2008

Measuring the electron

A new advanced thermometer, based on noise Johnson, increased by five times the accuracy of current systems

After seven years of work, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist), the U.S. organization for the development of technologies, have managed to build a new type of thermometer, Johnson Noise Thermometer (Jnt), defined by the same scientists a goal of thermometry, which advances to five times the current state of the art. The new device will in fact take measurements of extreme precision, never obtained so far, fundamental for basic research and for the definition of units of measurement. At the head of the project is Sam Benz, the Quantum Devices Group, which officially presented it on June 9th at a conference on measures of accuracy in Broomfield, Colorado.

The new thermometer provides the temperature starting from noise Johnson (hence the name), generated by the random motion of electrons inside a resistance. This measure is directly proportional to the temperature, and the system makes it possible to reduce the error without any additional calibrations. "All measurements are electrical, and do not require volumes of gas or mechanical systems that sometimes, depending on environmental conditions, could give approximate results." says Benz, " beauty is that the measurement is also very simple to perform. "

The thermometer, will be used mainly in industrial laboratories of thermometry, but the precision of his measurements could also help to redefine some basic parameters of thermodynamics, as the Boltzmann constant, or the degree Kelvin, the unit of measurement temperature defined 54 years ago, with a view to updating the International System which, according to the scientists, should happen by 2011.

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