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Funny > Thursday, September-06-2007

2 hilarious Robot Chicken skits: Frogger and Halo vs. Mario

I just bumped into these 2 hilarious videos on Youtube, and I thought you would appreciate them, especially if you've missed them on "Robot Chicken". God, they are funny! Enjoy!

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Comments for 2 hilarious Robot Chicken skits: Frogger and Halo vs. Mario


It is hilarious indeed...
posted by Guest at Friday, September-07-2007 11:48am

Don't be shy, join the conversation:


:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
6 + 6 = ? (numbers)

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