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Funny > Sunday, May-27-2007

Definite proof of global warming

People still argue if global warming is a natural process the Earth is going through right now or simply our fault, and we're all going to die. One thing is for certain: (even though many don't admit it) it's happening! Here's some irrefutable proof that George W. Bush will have to take into consideration. Hilarious! Enjoy!

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Comments for Definite proof of global warming


:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
posted by Guest at Friday, September-04-2009 06:10am

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:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
4 + 6 = ? (numbers)

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